Miner Aviation, formerly known as Advanced Aero Vehicle Group, was founded in 1999 to design, build, and fly a task specific, RC, competitive aircraft. In 2007, the team had leftover composite materials and was inspired to make this into a new project. Thus, the rocketry side of AAVG was born. For almost 10 years, the team competed in both rocketry and plane competitions. The aircraft and rocket teams decided in 2016 to split into two individual organizations to better serve their respective members. Miner Aviation is now dedicated solely to the construction and development of RC aircraft.
For two decades, Miner Aviation has trained aerospace industry engineers through the use of our state-of-the-art facilities at the Student Design and Experiencial Learning Center (SDELC). Our members train on design and modelling with SolidWorks, parameter analysis with MatLAB, composite design and construction, rapid prototyping, OMAX cutting files, and so much more. We work to be the best of the best and 20 years after the birth of AAVG, Miner Aviation is going strong.